Choosing Between the Different Types of Fireplace Grates
Cast Iron Fireplace
How to Choose a Fireplace Grate
Fireplace grates are necessary so that airflow gets underneath your burning fire. This allows your fire to thrive.
But what kind of grate should you buy? There are hundreds of different types, made of different materials, and in many different models. Learning which grate will meet your needs is incredibly important because using the wrong grate may end up costing you more money than you save.
More Weight Means Better Durability
The heavier the grate, the more durable it is. How heavy of a grate we should buy should be determined by how often we plan on burning. For those of us who like to use a fireplace every now and then for those special occasions or birthdays, a lightweight grate is fine. This probably no more than once or twice a season.
If, however, we plan on burning more frequently, more than once a month, consider a medium-grade grate. Finally for daily burners, buy the thickest, strongest grate that you can possibly afford. Furthermore, if you plan on burning hardwoods such as Oak, Maple, etc., rather than softwoods, consider a thicker grate.
Steel vs. Cast Iron vs. Grate Heaters
Steel fireplace grates are often best used for wood. The bars of the grate are often spaced farther apart and can be impractical for coal-burning fireplaces. Furthermore, steel bar grates do not last as long as cast iron grates except in the heaviest varieties. They are also not as efficient as their cast iron brothers.
Cast iron grates are perfect for burning coal or wood. They often have small gaps throughout to allow smaller pieces of wood and coal to stay on the grate burning them longer and more efficiently.
Cast Iron Fireplace
Modern vs. Traditional
Finally, grate heaters are a new, modern alternative for the classical fireplace grate. They are typically much more expensive, and they fulfill the same roles as traditional grates but with an added bonus. Through the grate hollow tubes heat the air inside them that is then pushed into the room. These grate heaters have allowed normal-sized fireplaces to heat larger rooms and even adjacent rooms!
Fireplace grates are an important addition to your fireplace. Think about how often you plan on using your fireplace and select the weight of the grate based on that. Steel is good for wood, while cast iron can be used for coal or wood as well. If you ever need to compare to different models of grates, remember to always compare the weight and thickness of the bars. The heavier, thicker bars are always stronger than thinner, lighter versions.
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