The Way To Repair a Cast Iron Fireplace
Furniture and decor styles often change, but in many homes, cast iron fireplaces provide a timeless focal point, and these changes occur in the surroundings. If you are competing for a house, a beautiful-looking cast iron fireplace may be the key to the deal. A little old-fashioned effort can restore your fireplace to its former glory. After the work is completed, some regular maintenance can keep the fireplace in good condition. Clean the fireplace 1. Spread the floor with a drop cloth around the edge of the fireplace. This will protect your floor from smoke and ashes. 2. Please wear a face mask and goggles before removing all fireplace debris. If the cinder and ashes are completely cold, take them out by hand and put them directly into the garbage bag. However, if they are still warm, use a metal shovel to transfer the slag and ash to a metal bucket. Let the fireplace cool down completely before continuing. 3. Sweep the entire surface of the cast iron fireplace with a wi...