Casting Shrinkage And Shrinkage Defects, Experts Give 10 Points Analysis (Ⅱ)
China street lighting cast part supplier combined with many years of production practice experience, talk about the causes and preventive measures of shrinkage and shrinkage of castings. 4.Riser system When shrinkage defects appear, you should look for problems from the gating system, because shrinkage defects are greatly related to shrinkage. (1) The riser design failed to promote sequential solidification. The position and size of the riser must be designed according to the different conditions of the casting cross section. It is necessary to consider which sections are solidified first and which are solidified after there is no riser. The last solidified section must be in the liquid state Mouth or riser. Cast Aluminum Gates Casting Gates (2) Insufficient number of Cast aluminum gates casting gates or improper gate design. Insufficient number of sprues is a common cause of shrinkage defects. The filling distance and range of each gate are limited. T...