How to repair iron casting defects?
How to repair iron casting defects? Cast Aluminum and Iron Parts Manufacturer shares that defects such as porosity, pinholes, slag inclusion, cracks and pits often occur in iron castings due to various factors. Common repair equipment for argon arc welding machine, resistance welding machine, cold welding machine. Casting defects with low quality and appearance requirements can be remedied by high heating and fast welding machines such as argon arc welding machines. However, in the field of defect repair of precision iron castings, due to the large influence of argon welding heat, the repair may cause secondary defects such as casting deformation, hardness reduction, sand hole, local annealing, cracking, pinhole, wear, scratch, undercut, or insufficient binding force and internal stress damage. Cold welding machine just to overcome the above shortcomings, its advantages are mainly reflected in the small heat affected area, casting without preheating, cold welding repair...